
Posts Tagged ‘Myers-Briggs Test’

Organisational Fit

January 8, 2010 Leave a comment

Its time of the year for students to hunt for jobs and internships. One thing which companies look out for is the whether the candidate fits into the organisation culturally. Finding a job in US is more like courting a girl and it is important that one fits into the organisational family. And the way they gauge it is through psychometric tests.

The videos from the hindi and tamil movies, Gol Maal and Thillu Mullu shows the role of being culturally fit for an organisation.

The hindi version

The tamil version

It has funny take to it where the candidate tries to fit into the image of “An Ideal Worker” as per the Managing Director and MD rates the candidate accordingly. Most companies in US are similar to the MD in the video, looking for how good fit the candidate is for the organisation. This makes sense as the employees with similar cultural fit make a great team rather than accomplished individuals with different style of working.

The most common and popular test for US companies to classify potential candidates is the Myers-Brigg Test. It classifies candidates into one of the 16 different types and then the organisation based on the findings and other inputs make the decision for the next level of interview.

Some of the free tests and paid tests as mentioned in my university’s Career Center are

1. Career Key

A basic assessment of your skills, interests, and career values as these relate to your personality. It is a good place to start if you are exploring or need information on broad career interest areas. First step: create an account with CFNC. 10-15 minutes

2. Jung Typology Test

An assessment based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator that measures personality preferences and provides the four-letter type associated with the MBTI.

And paid ones are

1. Campbell Interest & Skill Survey
A survey that examines your career interests and skills and compares them to the results of other people who are successfully employed in the fields you have selected. Receive a comprehensive report that includes strategies for next steps in pursuing and developing your career for $18.00. 20-25 minutes.

2. Keirsey Temperament Sorter II
A personality assessment based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The basic assessment provides a quick overview of your temperament (personality style). The in-depth report includes an evaluation where you can begin to see connections between personality preferences and career interests for $19.95