
Posts Tagged ‘operations’

NUMMI plant and GM

January 5, 2011 Leave a comment

Recently came across an article which mentioned that NUMMI plant at Fremont, California was closed by Toyota this October. That came as a shock as NUMMI factory was the first plant of Toyota in US and which showcased Toyota Production System to the world. It was also the subject of numerous case studies, books and research. It changed the way how american factories were run, a major revolution since the assembly line production system started by Henry Ford.

This American Life audio talks about NUMMI, how the impossible partnership came into being and provides wonderful insider view into the partnership of GM and Toyota who were rivals at that time and still are. Some of them will are incredible like gambling, drugs and even sex was available in the NUMMI factory before Toyota entered the picture. The audio has many commentaries from people who worked in NUMMI before and after the Toyota partnership and they explain how Toyota transformed the plant into an efficient factory, the task which was considered near impossible. The audio goes onto explain how GM failed to learn it lessons which eventually lead to its bankruptcy and also provides a twist in the end. Wonderful podcast which provides important learning in the area of operations and organizational behavior.